I decided i wanted to post oracle database 11g install on window os. My laptop is running on windows 64 bit. I made screenshot for each step. i inserted those screenshot the post. next time I will post some information to install oracle db 11g on linux and Windows and Linux oracle db GUI install type is almost same.
1. You need to download oracle database 11g set up. You can download here
2. Go to install folder. execute setup.exe.
3. If you want to update you check it or unckeck
4. select one from these three install options:
a. create database and install db software
b. only install database install
c. you can upgrade an existing database
select a option.
5. Select Desktop class option.
6.You will perform a basic installation with a starter database. Enter mydb for the Global Database Name and oracle for Database Password and Confirm Password. Then, click Next.
7. you do it if you want to save installation response file to disk .
8. now starting installation process.
9. while installing on windows these error message occurs but on linux os it is fine.
10. it is finish.
11. Listener configuration:
Thursday, October 20, 2011
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