Monday, May 11, 2015

How to install ArcGIS Desktop on your computer

The first you need to download ArcGIS Desktop.
1. go to ArcGIS Desktop installation folder. Click ESRI application file.

2. Click Next button.
3. Accept License Agreement. Click Next button.
4. select Complete option from choose list.
5. select Destination folder. You can leave default value. Click Next button.
6. select Python Destination folder. you can leave default option. Click Next button.
7. Click Install button, then installation process will start...
8. Install processing...

after complete to install ArcGIS Desktop you need to install ArcGIS License Manager.
1. go to license manager folder. Click SetUp.exe file. launch installation window.
2. Click next button.

3. select accept  the license agreement from License Agreement options.
4. Set License manager destination folder. leave by default value.
5. Ready to install the program. click Next 

6. Installation process ...
7. License Manager install finish window.
click finish button to close window.

for now ArcMap load. But below error occur when launch arcmap.
so you need to active License manager. follow steps to help

1. into License Manager installation folder have lic folder. there are two files. ARCGIS and service.
2. Edit service file. change replace by computer name or localhost like this
3. ARCGIS and service both are to copy. paste to License Manager destination bin folder .
4. Can't paste ARCGIS file you need to stop ArcGIS License Manager service. Click Stop.
5. then pase ARCGIS and service file to bin folder on License Manager destination folder.
6. Start button and click re-read license button. click ok to close window.
7. launch ArcGIS Administrator from start menu.

8. select Define a License Manager now. click browse button. Select your computer name click ok

9. after define host name click OK button. For now ArcGIS License Manager active.

You can check launch ArcMap. It is working

Uninstall ArcGIS Desktop from your computer

ArcGIS is the best GIS on the world. If you already installed on your computer Then you want unistall from your machine so You can follow these steps.
You can show arcgis desktop on uninstall program list on control panel. Select ArcGIS Desktop click Uninstall button.
1. Computing space requirements
2. Select Remove from choose list. Click Next.

3. Click Remove button then uninstall process will begin.

4. uninstall processing...
5.after uninstall process finish. click on finish button.
after uninstall ArcGIS Desktop , uninstall ArcGIS License Manager

1. select ArcGIS License Manager, Click Uninstall button on uninstall programs list on control panel
2. Select Remove from choose list. Click on Next button.

3. Click Remove button and uninstall will begin.
4. Uninstall processing...
5. Click finish button. ArcGIS License Manager uninstalled successfully

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Your computer crashed?

When my computer crashed and working slow just makes using the following methods. Try it, you too. Your computer will be performance and can be put in normal work.

1. The first step is open Task Manager and check values of CPU, RAM and current process count.

Picture 1.
In picture 1. most of time cpu  and memory is full cause of crash and slow. Some user don't know uneeded program is working. so process count too much in picture 1. number 3.

If these event is occur What do you do?

Click on Startand then Run, type in msconfig and click OK.
Clicking on the Startup tab in Task Manager on Windows 8 or in the System Configuration dialog will bring up the list of startup items. In Windows 8, the list looks a bit different and it also gives you some extra info like the estimated impact the process has on the startup time.
In Windows 8, you have to select the item and then click the Disable button at the bottom right. In Windows 7 and earlier, you uncheck the box that is at the far left of each entry in the list.

You can remove from startup item from list by uncheck one by one. Only leave important items when start your computer.

These start items  take few minutes when your computer turn on so your computer slow turn on and turn off. If some useful items left then fast turn on and turn off. 

2. Remove some Temporary files.
when Computer working some files created on temporary files. User don't know these files are big size allocated in folder. How to remove temporary files?

Click on Startand then Run, type in %temp% and click OK.

Select all file then remove. You can see these file how many size.

3. Remove recent files.
Click on Startand then Run, type in recent and click OK.
Select all file then remove. You can see these file how many size.

4. Disable some automatically running services.

After some program install the program automatically running mode when start your computer. But you don't use the program everyday. So you need to disable automatically mode. How to disable automatically running program from services.

Click on Startand then Run, type in compmgmt.msc and click OK.
expand Services and Applications-> Services.

select service Double click or click mouse two. The select properties
From start type list. Choose Manual value. If you want to use this service You can to start or pause.

Try these steps for you. It is help you. 

Good luck.

Monday, November 4, 2013

How to resolve "Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat Server at localhost are already in use"

Apache tomcat server default port is 8080. sometime Follow error occur when you running apache tomcat server "Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat Server at localhost are already in use" I can change port 8080 into server.xml for tomcat config. It is easy
so I will found What process running use in 8080?
If you are running on windows try this in the command line prompt: >netstat -a it's show all process You will find process with 8080 port
>netstat -aon It's show allo process with PID
Go to Task manager and find process by PID from process list. You'll know what process using port 8080. In my machine Oracle Database Express used to 8080 port. Default insttallation setting up port 8080.
How to change Oracle Database Express default port? Try this in the command line prompt:
>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mi Jan 25 11:44:33 2006

Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Beta

SQL> -- get current status
SQL> select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port"
            , dbms_xdb.getftpport as "FTP-Port" from dual;

HTTP-Port   FTP-Port
---------- ----------
     8080          0

You can change the http port and the ftp port to whatever you

like (keep in mind that you need special privileges for ports < 1024 on Unix/Linux systems).

SQL> -- set http port and ftp port
SQL> begin
 2    dbms_xdb.sethttpport('80');
 3    dbms_xdb.setftpport('2100');
 4  end;
 5  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port"
            , dbms_xdb.getftpport as "FTP-Port" from dual;

HTTP-Port   FTP-Port
---------- ----------
       80       2100
thanks Juddi
Friday, November 9, 2012

Resolve: java.lang.AssertionError: CurrencyKey not preserved error for ADF web application

Hi, I used to dvt:hierarchyViewer component into fragment page. then I depoyed adf web application to IntegratedWeblogicServer(Default Domain) . It's okey. but deploy to custom weblogic domain (You can read here about ADF application deployment to custom weblogic domain) following error:
I resolved the error by follow step.1. open setDomainEnv.cmpd(Windows) or -da:org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection add to like a follow pic.
3. execute setDomainEnv.sh4. restart weblogic domain. well done :) thanks juddi
Monday, May 28, 2012

How to resolve 'INST-07309: Specified Master Repository credentials are not valid' error

Hi, The error occured while installing oracle data integrator(ODI) you know, how to install Oracle Data Integrator. Error log detail: INST-07309: Specified Master Repository credentials are not valid. Verify the values. Make sure the Master Database is up and running and connect string, user name, password, ODI supervisor username and ODI supervisor password are correct.
Oracle components are Weblogic 10.3.5, Oracle Data Integrator but RCU component was older version rcu so I was able to get it right by downloading a newer version of RCU. Using instead of solved the problem thanks juddi
Friday, February 24, 2012

Establish a DBAdapter Deployment Plan Directory

In my previous post here. I posted about JCA adapter service. The below picture:

What mean JNDI name?
I get service datas from Hr schema. The first I need to create Hr Data Source in weblogic. here How to create Data source in weblogic 11g console.

Create an Outbound Connection Pool
1. Click Deployments in Domain Structure pane.

2. Click DBadapter in Summary of Deployments pane.
3. Click Configuration -> Outbound Connection Pools tab.
4. Click New button.

5.Select javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory and click Next.

6. Enter JNDI Name: eis/DB/HrDS

Click finish.

7. Assign Data Source to Connection Pool
a. Click newly created outbound connection pool. eis/DB/HrDS

b. Click properties tab and enter xADataSourceName. Insert jdbc/HrDS value.

8. Redeploy DbAdapter.
select DbAdapter from deployments. Click Update button then select Redeploy this application using the following deployment files. click finish

select DbAdapter from deployments. select Start dropdown and select Servicing all requests.